
Author’s Note: You are reading the early weeks of my next book, which I am literally writing on this site. It changes every week. If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you.

I’m a Wharton MBA. Logical. Prudent. Most would describe me as a bit cautious and cerebral. Not exactly the wildest person at any party.

And yet, I find myself uncomfortable with the ways that Western society operates, as though the material world that surrounds us—and this life in particular—is all there is.

Really? Owning a four-bedroom home and having two cars in the garage is all there is? Teaching your kids to save enough for retirement when they are 25-years-old? Getting frustrated when the line is too long at the supermarket? Scrolling endlessly through social media?

This is not a theoretical list; it’s stuff I’ve already done. Often.

And yet, I have had enough experiences that can’t be explained with logic… to make me question logic.

So I have started to pay attention to the people who tell me every person is here to fulfill their soul’s purpose, established before this lifetime began.

Is this true?

It’s time to find out.


Loved ones hire private investigators to find missing persons, so why can’t we use many of their techniques to find our own soul?

Soul PI is the journal I’m using to document my investigation. It’s live and online. The odds are high that if you come back in a week, there will be another entry or two.

I’m Bruce Kasanoff, and I’m on a journey to remember what I am supposed to accomplish in this lifetime. Along the way, I hope to share plenty of tips that will help you to do the same.

Won’t you join me?

A few words about souls…

There are two ways of looking at life.

The first is that this life is all there is. There's no soul. There's no afterlife. There's just you’re born, you live and then you die. End of story.

In that case, your best strategy is to maximize pleasure and minimize suffering. Period.

If you believe this, don’t bother reading this handbook.


The second possibility is that something does exist before and/or after this life. You have a soul. There are consequences to what you do or don’t do in this life.

If this is the case, the odds are that those consequences dwarf anything that could possibly happen to you in this life.

While I cannot prove the existence of anything beyond this life, I am a prudent person. Being prudent, it makes sense to allow in this life for the possibility that everything we do in this life has long-term consequences.

Therefore, I’m betting we have a soul and that our soul connects us to everything beyond this life.

Therefore… losing a strong connection with your soul becomes a big problem.

This journal is for people who agree.